mys edu
Social Emotional Learning "SEL" Teaching How & Why Our
Thoughts & Emotions Happen

Pre-order The Newest Books in the MYS Collection
Hardback Bundle Early-Bird Discount - Get 10% OFF
5 sets of 5-book series
- Leader's Activity Book
- Coloring Books
- Workbooks
- Poster
1 Hardback Series early-bird discount get 10% off
1 sets of 5-book series
- Matching Coloring Books
- Emotional Faces Charts
- Poster

Meet The Author, Randy G.
Founder of MYS Education and President of Rhino Insights.
Randy Guttenberger is an Author, and Personality
Insights Analyst for over 25 years. He helps improve
human performance by using a combination of
professional assessments, principles and insights, and
unique coaching expertise. His delivery reects his
energetic passion, experience and humor. Randy shows
people how to get maximum results with minimal
eorts. Once you implement his tools and techniques
into your own success you will never look at life – or
people – the same way again.
Randy brings a unique combination of science,
management, coaching, counseling, and development to
help clients gain a clear understanding of their dynamics
in just two sessions. He then provides action steps to
make the dierence you have always wanted to realize.